Freight Train Movements by Region

Explore the number of freight trains by commodity and the regions they travelled through in an interactive dashboard.
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Are you interested in knowing how many freight trains travel through your region? Find out through the interactive dashboard above.

This analytical tool is designed to provide information on how many trains travel through different regions by commodity and month of travel at a glance. This interactive can be used alongside the Freight Train Interactive Maps for greater insights.

In the interactive dashboard, filter by geography, commodity and date and click across the tabs to find out different kinds of information including train counts across SA4s. You can also explore the difference in the number of trains over the last 12 months, and trains by commodity type. The ‘About’ tab gives information about where the data is from and how the dashboard can be used.

This interactive will always have the latest 12 month of available anonymised data.

About the data

The underlying data consists of GPS locations from train transponders that operate on the Australian Rail Track Corporation (ARTC) network. This has been combined with Statistical Area Geography data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS).

See other train data available from the ARTC in our catalogue.



  1. Only freight trains running on the ARTC network are represented here. Freight movements on local or private rail are not included. 

  2. SA4s are represented on the map by a marker in the centre of the SA4.

  3. A trip is calculated from the first to the last recorded positions. This trip may not align with the trip schedule.

  4. Each trip is identified by the train code and date of departure.


The NFDH is working to increase its partnership with industry to collect and include more rail data. Please Contact the NFDH team if you are interested in being a part of our project or have any questions or suggestions for improving this interactive. All feedback is appreciated.