Every Australian, everywhere, every day, relies on freight.

Funded by government through the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communication and the Arts, the NFDH aims to capture, improve, standardise and share freight data to improve the efficiency, safety, productivity and resilience of the freight sector.

The NFDH is a major initiative under the National Freight and Supply Chain Strategy with three core pillars: 

The 3 core pillars of the NFDH are: OPEN DATA Governments provide better access to their existing data; DATA EXCHANGE & STANDARDS An efficient and safe data sharing system; and LEADERSHIP & INNOVATION Improved skills, capability and connections in the freight data system

The NFDH was designed through two years of consultation with industry to prioritise freight data needs, challenges and opportunities. Through this engagement, our stakeholders asked for a focus on data for three key purposes:

Stakeholders asked for a focus on data for three purposes: Improve strategic planning infrastructure and transport network investment and other decisions; improve capturing and sharing freight data to support day to day operations; and evaluate how the freight system is performing and what actions we can take to improve it.

Benefits of the NFDH

Benefits of the NFDH: The NFDH will help government, industry and communities to Compare the costs of Australia's supply chains; Improve efficiency and safety and resilience; Identify the proportion of freight; Understand what, where and how freight is being moved; See bottlenecks and barriers for efficient and safe freight movements; Assess how well Australia's freight networks are performing; Enhance supply chain visibility; Share and use freight data; and improve access to data.


The NFDH is bringing freight industry and government partners together to build better freight data solutions. We are helping our partners share and use their data securely and giving them access to new data to inform their strategic planning, investment and decision making.

For more information on who we are partnering with, and how you can partner with us see Partners.


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What industry is saying

Hear what industry has to say about the NFDH. 
