Container Movements

Explore the number of containers moved between port and regions in 2023 to see an indication about the mode of transport used.
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Have you ever wondered what ports are used to import goods to your region? Or maybe you’re looking to see how a single port delivers to/from regions throughout Australia? This interactive dashboard provides information on the number and twenty-foot equivalent units of container movement throughout Australia.

About the data

The data presented here comes from 1-STOP Connections and the Department of Home Affairs' Integrated Cargo System. Data has been joined and then aggregated to both region and port level. Regions with little data have been summarised to larger geographies using the Australian Standard Geographical Standard

The data can be useful in understanding trends around supply chain behaviours and container logistics throughout Australia.


  1. Movements shown here only relate to containers that are part of international shipping (i.e. import or export). Domestic movements are not captured.
  2. Mode of transport represents the first or last transport mode for the container journey, closest to the port facility.
  3. Destinations represent the destination of the goods inside the containers and not the destination of the containers themselves.
  4. For exported containers, the origin of the container (region in Australia) has been estimated based on the delivery location of the container's import.
  5. Missing values for mode of transport and container size have been imputed. See Methodology section in the interactive’s ‘About’ page.
  6. Only aggregations which contain a minimum of 10 container, 10 unique declaration numbers and 5 addresses are shown.

Please note that this dashboard is optimised for web-browsers. Mobile users may experience some difficulties.


The NFDH is working to provide more interactives and tools to explore international trade data. Please Contact the NFDH team if you would like to learn more, have any questions or suggestions for improving this interactive. All feedback is appreciated.